
Pre Arrival Screen

Here is an example of the Pre-Arrival form sent to the customer:


This form functions a lot like the front booking lead guest screen, where it shows both the lead guest details and the room information This includes any customer-level custom fields visible on the front booking screen

It can only be accessed through a secure URL that is emailed to customers when they’re allowed to check in (based on the settings above).

When accessed after a booking has checked in, it will show the details but no longer be editable.

The customer is able to update any of their details, add in any missed fields, if required they will also need to add in their credit card details and pay any outstanding balance (depends on what settings you have set)

  • The logo, property title and blurb both show at the top of the screen.
  • The first section is the standard lead-guest address details.
  • The second section contains the room details & custom fields.
  • The third section contains the terms & conditions, as defined by the property.
  • The last section will contain a save/update button, and a payment required button if the option is enabled & the booking hasn’t been fully paid and mandatory fields are met.
  • Only when the booking is fully paid (and if full payment is required) will an option to download PDF room vouchers show up.