
Add A Payment

IBex does not take any payments from your customers but enables you to log any payments that you have taken for their booking allowing you to manage all finance of the booking within the system.

If you use a Payment Gateway (for example PayPal), you can link it to your iBex account so that payments can be instantly taken directly within your iBex account. Any payment will automatically be logged and credited within the booking.

You can add a payment to a booking in iBex at anytime.

  • At Booking Stage – if you create a New booking, you can simply enter the deposit taken and the method in which they paid before actually confirming the booking
  • Straight after making a Quick New Booking – by hovering over the credit card symbol presented on the Calendar screen and selecting the Payments option (see image below)
  • At any time after the Booking is made – by going into the booking and selecting the Finance tab (see image below)
  • At Check in or Check out – by either going into the booking and selecting the Finance tab or by hovering over the credit card symbol in the * Arrivals and Departures list and selecting the Payments option.
  • After departure – by going into the booking and selecting the Finance tab (see image below)