
Payment Reconciliation Report


The Bank Reconciliation Report is designed to closely match your bank statement. In order to do this, it needs to ensure the payment dates match the banking dates. For electronic payments, this is likely to match where the payment is made prior to the cutoff time as advised by your merchant. For manual payments such as cash and cheques, this depends entirely when the banking of the cash and cheques is deposited.

Timing of Electronic Payments

The cutoff time as advised by your credit card merchant can be set in iBex so that payments received after the cutoff time will appear on the date following the date it was recorded. For example if the cutoff time is 21:00 and the payment was received at 21:30 then that payment will show in the next date of the report - not the current date.

Timing of Manual Payments 

The deposit of manual payments (cash and cheque) is not constant and may be the same day, next day or next business day (allowing for weekends and public holidays). To cater for this, a deposit slip management system has been included. This allows bank deposit reference numbers to be entered in advance into iBex. It also allows the tagging of which payment types require a manual deposit using a deposit slip eg cash & cheque.

When a manual payment is recorded, the active deposit slip reference will be automatically added to the payment record and will continue to do so until the deposit slip is closed by the entry of a banking date. Then all ongoing manual payments will be tagged to the next active deposit slip.

Multi Offices

For large operators with multiple payment offices, a multi office environment can be registered. This will enable deposit slips to be managed at the office level rather than for the account overall. That is, each payment office will have its own range of deposit slip references.